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Why we do this....

The concept of needing to find a space to quiet the mind is fundamental to the human condition. We get crowded in with messages about who we are, how we are meant to be, what we are meant to do and how we are meant to live our lives.

Amidst the "race" of life - we can often stop and wonder: What the hell am I racing TOWARDS?

A lot of the personal and collective problems we see today are a result of disconnection - or as Johan Hari puts it - a lost connection. A lost connection to purpose, others, nature, self and meaning.

One of the purest and most powerful ways to regain connection and balance is through immersion in nature. It forces us to unhook the phone, not check the emails, slow down, breathe deeper and look around us at the world slipping by.

Our aim is to create a journey that operates at many levels - the simple power of connecting to nature, the space to reflect and talk and the structured opportunities to challenge yourself and listen to the voice we know we should hear.

Having spent years taking people out into the wilderness on outdoor programs we know the profound power of nature to challenge and provide perspective.

But we have also spent decades designing more conventional and accessible leadership programs for organisations and communities.

With Disconnect / Reconnect we have combined the two. A series of deeply immersive and interactive online sessions to commence the reflective process and a short yet challenging outdoor journey to provide profound space for reflection and insight.

Program Philosophy: About


Why go on a program when you can just go camping?


There is an unquestionable power in heading out into the natural environment. This alone provides clarity and space. This can however be enhanced and amplified through gentle, expert facilitation. A reflective activity in the right spot, a question asked, a discussion. We would call it "light touch" facilitation - and it will not get in the way of the simple joy of being in nature.



We lean into the concept of Journey as the most fundamental element of the human experience. Being in one spot is good - moving brings a new perspective.
We parallel the physical journey with the beautiful notions of metaphorical journey - moving from the village we know, through foreign lands and back to the village. Where we arrive again - in an old place with a new mind.

"We shall not cease from exploration, and the end of all our exploring will be to arrive where we started and know the place for the first time."

TS Eliot

Program Philosophy: Features
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